Αντίγραφο του wonderwall_store  (1)

One thing we can say for sure is that children, from an early age, love to discover. In trying to know more and more things around them, touch is an ally. That's why outdoors a child will want to touch the plants, the soil, the stones, the branches, and even th e bugs. It is in our nature and it is within us from a young age.

So why not bring children into contact with nature in a safe way through a fun activity that can accompany them for a long time? Gardening is the coolest activity that can become a hobby for young and older children!

Why should I introduce gardening to them?

Gardening has many benefits for everyone, especially children.

- playing & learning: a key element that makes gardening fun is that it reminds of a game. It has instructions / rules that you must follow to achieve your goal. At the same time you learn about nature, whether it has to do with more STEM aspects, for example photosynthesis, or other skills from physical (tool handling) to mental (problem solving).

- Energy & relaxation: this is an activity that we could say "breaks the rules". You can grab the dirt with your hands, get your clothes dirty, dig: these are all things that in other circumstances a child may hear the word "no", but in gardening they are allowed. What better way than to break such rules once in a while? Of course, it is also a tedious physical activity (bedtime is guaranteed early!)

- Off screen time: is an activity that does not require screens. A break from the technological devices that we love but it is good to take some time away from them.

- Quality time together: you too can get dirty! Gardening can be a fun thing to do together, spending quality time with them.

How to start?

A good start for gardening can start with theory and then move on to practice! Prepare your little gardeners with everything they need to know about nature by giving them books with all the necessary information they will want to know!

These books will also be used for questions that will arise during or after a day full of gardening! Think of them as dictionaries or indexes of nature. Here you will find all the books with the necessary information.

The most basic of all are the tools you will need to be ready for whatever happens! The basics you will need are:

- watering can

- shovels

- seeds

You can find tools specially made for children here, with beautiful colors but also suitable construction so that it is safe even for younger children.

A good day will be your ally in your first attempt at gardening. So do not forget hats, sunglasses and sunscreen for sun protection.

 Gardening for a good future

Through gardening, in addition to the benefits it has as an activity, children come closer to the environment and become more aware of the needs of the land. After all, children belong to the generation that will change the world and the environment is something that often interests them.

Thus, we can not only learn but also use things we already have at home, reducing our footprint. After all, if we can reuse something, it is sometimes better than recycling.


Some ideas you can implement with things at home:

- egg tray for pots: fill the egg trays with soil and seeds, and water them with a spray. Once the seeds are in bloom, cut each small pot and plant it directly in a regular pot. Their material is biodegradable and will become one with the soil in your yard or terrace.

- fertilizer newspapers: cut the newspapers into small pieces or strips and mix with soil in a closed container. In time they will become one with the soil making it stronger!

- metal cans: carefully drill holes in their bottom and you have new pots! You can paint them by putting your artistic touch.

- ice cream sticks: you can use them as a support for plants or write the name of each plant on it!

Gardening is a fun and educational activity for children that can offer quality time for the whole family. It can all start with a small seed that can be grown not only in a simple plant but a life hobby that brings us closer to nature!

And if something does not go as we expected, it does not matter, because in gardening there are no strict rules and we can try again and again with materials we already have!

tag:Wonder Wall