Our children's toys travel every day at home, in the car, to playgrounds or on September excursions and during the summer vacations that have passed. Surely the teddy bears, dinosaurs and even the magnetic tiles made several holidays and collected memories together with the children. As part of the new season, this September is a good time to clean up toys.

Discover below cleaning methods for all toys, no matter what material they are made of.

Categories for convenience & speed

To save time and energy on cleaning, first collect any toys that may look worn out or that you know have been well-loved. Then, divide them into categories according to how they are cleaned. The reason we recommend this way of sorting is because some toys, although made of the same material, may not have the same cleaning preferences. A knitted teddy bear for example may not be able to go in the dryer.

Clean in the washing machine

Usually, most toys such as dolls, stuffed animals & fabric toys can be cleaned in the washing machine, with a mild detergent. You can also add some disinfectant, as long as it is suitable for children and does not discolour. Many times the toys themselves will guide you on how to wash them since many have labels on them that come with instructions. If not, you can select the delicate cycle with low speed and warm water. For toys that may have plastic or other accessories on them (for example a doll with plastic eyes) you can use a pillowcase: putting them inside a pillowcase reduces noise and the chance of damage. As for how to dry them, some of them can go in the dryer. Otherwise just lay them out in the sun or on a towel.

Clean in the dishwasher

Surely you will have stumbled upon a video guide of cleaning toys in the dishwasher. Well, it's true! Toys made of plastic can be put in the dishwasher. Following the cleaning instructions of the toys, you can adjust the cleaning cycle accordingly. 

Soap and water

The alternative to the dishwasher is simply soap and water! An Equally easy way and maybe even faster. Fill a basin with lukewarm water or even the kitchen or bathroom sink. Pour some mild soap and let them sit in for a few minutes. Then, rinse with clean water and let them dry. For the tough spots you can use an old toothbrush. It's a good chance to ask the help of the kids and achieve an easy cleaning lesson!

"Dry cleaning”

What about toys that cannot be cleaned with water? Wooden toys, for example, should not be placed in the dishwasher or in a bowl of water for a long time (unless they come with these instructions). We can clean these toys with disinfectant wipes (safe for children) or with a cloth moistened with a mild detergent. You can also use a solution of water and white vinegar.

How often should I clean my kid’s toys? 

There is no right or wrong answer here. You will usually know when to clean them by their appearance. However, some situations can be a good reminder for a cleaning:

  • after a trip
  • when one or more of your children were sick
  • when a friend of theirs is sick
  • at younger ages where there may be frequent accidents
  • during seasonal flu time periods 

Beware of allergies

It is good to pay attention to the detergents you will use for the toys. Use detergents familiar to you and your child to avoid allergies or skin irritations. Apart from the kid safe cleaners that you can find out there, one of the safest & most environmentally friendly disinfecting options is white vinegar.

At the end of the day, cleaning is another chore that will find its way in your routine. It can be a good opportunity to ask your children to participate, teaching them how to clean their toys, developing important skills so that they can take on this work themselves when they grow up, giving them independence. However, cleaning the toys will become... a game with time, by adopting small tips like the above in your routine.

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